Top Stories for Oct. 11., 2023

Lake Norman from the banks at sunset.

Mecklenburg County provides this weekly rundown of top stories from the Board of County Commissioners meetings and from the Public Information Department’s newsroom. The Board met on Tuesday, Oct. 10. The agenda is available here or view the meeting at The Board’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. 

1. Priorities and Projects: The Board of County Commissioners received a first-quarter update on the status of the investments associated with each of the Board's fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget priorities. Those priorities are: 

  • Early Childhood Development 
  • Educational Attainment 
  • Environmental Stewardship 
  • Health Access 
  • Housing Security 
  • Workforce Development 
  • Racial Disparities 

The FY2024 budget included $166 million in new investments to address these priorities, of which 29% of the funding has been committed during the first quarter. The presentation provided an overview of initiatives that began and were underway during the first quarter of FY2024. 

2. Keeping it Green: The Board received an update on the County’s Environmental Leadership Action Plan, which Board members endorsed in March 2021. The report covers FY2023, and focused on:  

  • Efforts to reduce energy usage in facilities and work to transition fleet vehicles to net-zero carbon energy sources. 
  • Work to increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste going into landfills. 
  • Success in reducing flood risk and meeting water quality improvement goals. 
  • The acquisition of nearly 500 acres in FY2023 to preserve natural space and parkland. 
  • Managing the natural environment through invasive species removal and prescribed fires. 
  • Other policies and partnerships to increase public participation and build trust within the community. 

3. Behind Every Number Is a Person: The Board has proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and recognizes the many organizations and partners that support those affected by domestic violence. This week, Mecklenburg County representatives, community partners, and survivors will release the latest data on intimate partner violence. Media are invited to join the presentation on Oct. 12 at 2 p.m., Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Room CH-14, 600 E. Fourth St. in Charlotte. The report will be available at During the next year, Mecklenburg County will also host a series of community conversations that further explore the connection between intimate partner violence and substance use. 

4. Beating Hearts of Char-Meck: Nonprofits provide an array of services that make our community a better place to live. That is why Mecklenburg County gives them the opportunity to help support County goals. Nonprofits can apply for FY2025 Community Service Grants from Oct. 16 to Nov. 13, 2023. Representatives can attend an information session on Monday, Oct. 16, at 10 a.m., Valerie C. Woodard Conference Center Auditorium, 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 5000, in Charlotte. Learn more at 

5. Nature at Night: Did someone say fall? Celebrate all things nocturnal during McDowell Nature Center's annual Nature at Night festival on Saturday, Oct. 21, 5-9 p.m. This fun-filled, educational event shines a spotlight on what nature has to offer after the sun goes down. Ticket price includes live animals, crafts, night hikes, wagon rides, s'mores, popcorn, and interactive booths. Food trucks will be on-site. Pre-registration is required at